The International Oriental College (IOC)

The Oriental College started in 2010 and has since the starting date gone through rapid developments. As a University of Chinese Medicines and Philosophies we are accredited by the World Counsel of Excellence.

We think that the field of Chinese Medicines and philosophies, currently looked upon as “alternative”, should be recognized as a professional field in its own right. Our courses are therefore University-level and we accept credits from other universities around the world, if they fit into the program.

Self cultivation was traditionally the core of Chinese Medicines and philosophies and that’s why we have that as a starting point for all our studies. We use Qigong as a means for this process of getting yourself into a physical, mental en emotional fit shape.

We encourage students to do research and think in a modern scientific way, using the traditional knowledge and means to come to a deep understanding of medicine, the role and process of cultivation and the healing professions.

We have devised our programs in a way that will make it possible for students from abroad or from nearby to fit the study into their daily lives. Besides that, every student has the opportunity to make his or her own personal program.

Besides this we also offer short courses, to get acquainted with the profession or to deepen interest. You will find a list of these on this website.

Our enthusiastic team of teachers are constantly looking to improve the content of our programs.

Things to Know About IOC

What is the International Oriental College Way of learning?
- Focus in study on the fields of Chinese Medicines, Psychology, Sports and Cultural Sciences
- Combining self cultivation and self development in combination with professional skills
- All the Core Curricula of other schools and as recommended by WHO and other major organizations and a lot more and with a variety of perspectives
- Personalized program, maximized results
- Combining traditional knowledge with scientific knowledge
- Approach of the study field by means of eastern and western traditions of academic learning and philosophy
- Studying world culture by means of anthropology and sociology
- Distance Learning combined with Contact Learning

What are the benefits of studying the International Oriental College Way?
- The combination of science, self cultivation and professional skills brings an in-depth understanding of Chinese medicines, psychologies, cultural sciences and sports that transcends book wisdom into real wisdom (Confucius, Gehong, Zhangdaoling, Huatou, Taohongjing and all other major medicine thinkers of China)
- It is the ethical approach to not disperse a medicine without making yourself first model for experimentation (Shennong, founder of medicine)
- Prepare yourself physically and emotionally for the hardships of a care profession (reports on stress rates Health care workers show care/medicine workers are highest risk group for burn-out and burn-out related diseases)
- Being able to set ancient practices into a modern world (WHO)
- Developing yourself as a scholarly individual and a nobel practitioner (Huangdi)

What is science?
- Science is any kind of knowledge system that uses a systemized body of references to come to explanation for natural phenomena.
- Science becomes practice where experience and insight are combined to support proper functioning, health and freedom of all human beings
- Science becomes useful when it transcends the individual from being a victim into a champion for health, justice and freedom

What are the fields of Chinese Medicines, Psychology, Sports and Cultural Sciences?
- These are those Chinese medicine, psychology, sports and cultural sciences that depend solely on concepts originating in historical East Asian cultures and believes
- The above but that can be improved upon by means of biomedical observations about body and mind and nature but not be replaced by them.
- The above and in reliance to ancient practices of learning such as self-cultivation, scriptural studies and personalized tutoring due to the combination of standardized systematics and oral transmission

What is self cultivation?
- Self cultivation is all effort to consciously improve on and excel in personal quality as a human moral and biological person as well as a professional
- Self cultivation is the use of personal mind and body to come to understanding of professional practices
- The intent of self-cultivation is to overcome all hindrances to be a successful, healthy and compassionate human being, that enjoys life and is generous in its support for all fellow creatures
- The intent of self-cultivation is to become an independent individual that does not burden the world because of creating self importance by means of suffering
- The intent of self-cultivation is to support the health care community by participating actively in its development as organization, body of knowledge and experience and reputation, to support fellow workers in the field by generous sharing professional and personal capacities
- The intent of self-cultivation is to make care for the world into a healthy lifestyle.